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Shockwave Therapy


Shockwave Therapy

A day will not pass without you exerting some physical strength. Your muscles, tendons, ligaments, and bones are vital to your everyday physical activities. When you walk or run, everything must be coordinated and move in synch to avoid unnecessary injuries and complications. When you are lifting heavy objects, they support each other to sustain the weight of whatever you are trying to carry. This is all thanks to the power of your body to withstand physical activities. However, pushing your strength to the limit may cause fatigue, tears, and injuries that are moderate to extremely painful depending on what complications you obtain.
It can often be alleviated with medications, such as pain relievers. Some may also require you to undergo treatment or, in the worst case possible, surgery. Athletes are more susceptible to bone and muscle health issues as they are in constant need of being physically active most of the time.
In modern times, medical practitioners use shockwave therapy to treat the pain and discomfort of muscle and bone injuries and tears. It has proven to have a significant effect on the healing and repair of the problem area. Back then, the use of sound waves was very popular in dissolving kidney stones. Shockwave therapy is a promising treatment to keep your bones and muscles healthy.

Benefites of Shockwave Therapy

Great for athletes

Great for athletes

Shockwave Therapy is an ideal treatment for athletes who suffer minor injuries or chronic pain from training sessions or games. The sound waves emitted from the device relax the muscles and stimulate the natural healing process of the body. Shockwave therapy may work with simple injuries such as back pain, sprains, strains, and shin splints. It helps the athletes perform well after therapy.

Side effects are manageable

Side effects are manageable

When you are undergoing shockwave therapy, you may feel a little discomfort due to the sound waves. Your practitioner always starts at the lowest frequency of sound waves, so you can get an idea of how it feels. Furthermore, the frequency will be increased as your body gets used to sound waves. The side effects may vary from bruising, pain that is tolerable during the treatment, and numbness. Rarely has the problem area been unresponsive to the therapy. The side effects may go away 2 days after the therapy. Compared to surgery, you have a relatively shorter recovery time in shockwave therapy.

Avoid Dangerous Surgery

Avoid Dangerous Surgery

Using shockwave therapy can help you avoid surgery. A practitioner may suggest 3 to 6 sessions of shockwave therapy to maximize the healing abilities of the body. After the long-term treatment, you can expect to notice noticeable changes in how your muscles or bones perform. It may return to a partially or completely normal state. Undergoing shockwave treatment helps you avoid surgery by repairing the problem area. It is also recommended if first-line treatments such as rest or cold compresses cannot alleviate the pain and discomfort.

Multipurpose use

Multipurpose use

Aside from pain management and healing, shockwave therapy is widely used for various medical conditions such as kidney stones and gallstones. It helps in breaking down the stones so they can be taken out of the body by natural means. Shockwave therapy is also a treatment for erectile dysfunction. By sending sound waves to the penile tissue, shockwave therapy stimulates blood flow and new blood vessels.

To learn more about the benefits of shockwave therapy, you can set an appointment with the South Florida Multispecialty Medical Group. Our institution is composed of highly qualified specialists in various fields of medicine, and we can offer you a quality patient experience by giving expert recommendations and advice that may change your life for the better. Our clinic utilizes the technology-driven world, helping one patient at a time with data accuracy and the right devices for treatment. We also offer different services aside from shockwave therapy. Book an appointment today to get started with our shockwave therapy!

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